SAR Staff and the Hasty Team searched areas of the Paradise Ponds for evidence in relation to an on-going criminal investigation.
8/4/2015 – Evidence Search
- Date: August 6, 2015
- Author: Jack Wayman
- Categories: News and Announcements
SAR Staff and the Hasty Team searched areas of the Paradise Ponds for evidence in relation to an on-going criminal investigation.
SAR Staff, Hasty Team, and SVU responded to Pyramid Lake on the report of a possible boat in distress about three miles out from the North Nets area. SAR resources were unable to locate anything. A small flotation device with an attached glow stick did was ashore at the North Nets.
SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR assisted TMFPD and REMSA in locating, packaging, and transporting a subject with a leg injury. The hiker was located in the hills to the east of Hidden Valley Park. The subject was transported to a LZ where Careflight could land and transport the subject to the hospital.
SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, WCSAR, and WOOF were requested by Sierra County to assist in searching for a missing subject with dementia that had been camping with a friend in the Dog Valley area. Dog handlers and foot teams searched the area around the campsite while 4×4’s, and ATV’s searched area roads. The subject was located under some brush and dense foliage, not far from the campsite. He had been missing for approximately 15 hours, but was in relatively good shape. He was transported to an ambulance at the staging area on the Dog Valley Road from Verdi.
SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR began responding to an area of the far south end of Lakeside Drive to search for an elderly Alzheimer’s subject. Just as SAR resources were arriving, the subject was found walking near his residence.