Yearly Archives: 2014

Recent EMS Callout – 6/11/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR began responding to the Mt. Rose Summit on the report of an injured hiker on the Mt. Rose trail, near the waterfall.  Before SAR assets could arrive on scene, Careflight located and transported the subject.

Recent Search – 6/11/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, and WCSAR began responding to Sand Harbor to search for a possible crashed paraglider in the mountainous area to the east of Sand Harbor.  Before teams arrived at the scene, the subject was located.

Recent Search – 5/30/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR responded to a staging location at the Walmart in Spanish Springs to search for a missing, mentally ill subject.  As teams were arriving at staging, it was learned that she had checked herself into a hospital.

Recent Water Rescue – 5/18/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, and SVU were requested to respond to Pyramid Lake to locate and rescue two subjects that were blown away from shore on a raft.  Before SAR teams arrived at the lake, a Pyramid Lake PD boat was able to locate the subjects and safely transport them back to shore.

Recent Fire Evacuation – 5/18/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR were requested to assist in the safe evacuation of hikers on the Hunter Creek Trail due to a fire in the area of Hunter Creek Falls.  Foot teams checked the Hunter Creek Trail, the Steamboat Ditch Trail, and a hiking trail on the south side of the Steamboat Ditch trail, and asked hikers to please return to their vehicles and exit the area.  During the process, a foot team came across a subject with an older Labroador Retriever that was so tired that he couldn’t go any further.  The owner attempted to carry the dog for a short distance, but due to the size of the dog, this idea wasn’t working very well.  The foot team remained with the subject and dog until two SVU side x sides could access the area and transport the subject and dog back to staging.