SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the Mt. Rose area to search for a subject that was lost and out of water. Cell phone coordinates were extremely poor, but the directions given to SAR staff from the subject put him somewhere in the Incline Creek drainage. Foot teams were deployed, as well as ATV’s. One foot team was able to make voice contact, but determining which foot team the subject was hearing proved difficult. RAVEN came into the area, located the subject by talking to him on the phone and having him direct the helicopter to his location. While RAVEN hovered in the area, a foot team was able to locate the subject. He was guided to a hiking trail and all parties were brought out by ATV.
Recent Search – 7/13/2014
- Date: July 13, 2014
- Author: Jack Wayman
- Categories: News and Announcements