Yearly Archives: 2014

Recent Search – 7/13/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the Mt. Rose area to search for a subject that was lost and out of water.  Cell phone coordinates were extremely poor, but the directions given to SAR staff from the subject put him somewhere in the Incline Creek drainage.  Foot teams were deployed, as well as ATV’s.  One foot team was able to make voice contact, but determining which foot team the subject was hearing proved difficult.  RAVEN came into the area, located the subject by talking to him on the phone and having him direct the helicopter to his location.  While RAVEN hovered in the area, a foot team was able to locate the subject.  He was guided to a hiking trail and all parties were brought out by ATV.

Recent Callout – 7/10/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, and WCSAR responded to the Mayberry bridge area to assist TMFPD to search for a subject that was yelling for help in the Truckee River.  As teams arrived on scene, it was discovered that the subject was not in any kind of distress.

Recent EMS Callout – 7/8/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the area of Horseshoe Circle off of Red Rock Rd. to search for a subject that had fallen off her horse.  As ground teams were arriving at staging, Hasty Team members from RAVEN assisted Careflight in locating, packaging, and transporting the subject to the Careflight helicopter.  The subject was transported to a Reno hospital.

Recent EMS Callout – 7/5/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the entrance to Tunnel Creek Road at the Ponderosa parking lot to search for a paraglider that had crashed somewhere above Sand Harbor.  RAVEN was eventually able to spot the subject, and a plan was devised to hoist the subject.  Ground teams were also transported into the area by 4×4’s and a side x side in case the hoist could not be completed.  A Hasty member was lowered to the subject, who had severe lower body injuries, and proceeded to package and prep him for a hoist.  Both were then hoisted and transported back to staging, where the patient was transferred to a Careflight helicopter for transport to Reno.

Recent Search – 6/30/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded on a mutual aid call to the Lahontan Reservoir area to assist Lyon County in searching for a horseback rider that did not come back from a ride.  He had taken two horses with him on Friday, but did not return on Sunday.  One of the horses arrived at the residence on Sunday evening.  A friend located the other horse and a saddle Monday morning.  Foot teams searched the immediate area around the location of the tethered horse, RAVEN searched the area from above, and ATV teams checked areas farther out from the location of the horse.  Late in the afternoon, RAVEN spotted the subject and guided foot and horse posse teams to the location.  The subject was deceased.