Yearly Archives: 2014

Plane Crash Evidence Search 9/8/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR were requested to conduct an evidence search, after a plane crashed during a qualification lap at the Reno Air Races. The crash debris was spread out over an area of approximately 4200′ in length.

Sinking Boat Rescue – 8/30/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, PLPD, Pyramid Lake Rangers, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the report of a pontoon boat with 14 people on board that was taking on water near the Pyramid. Crews at the lake began an immediate response from Pelican Dock, while ground teams began the trip from Reno to the east side of Pyramid Lake. The crew on M50 located the vessel which was visibly low in the water, with wave heights of 2′-3′, approximately one mile from shore. One of the subjects on board was a paraplegic in a motorized wheelchair. Also add into the situation, two large dogs. It was decided that the best and safest solution at that moment was to tow the boat back to shore, to the relatively protected area near the Pyramid, and beach it. Once that was done, all of the subjects were transferred to the beach, and the paraplegic subject was strapped to a backboard and carried to a waiting vehicle until an ambulance arrived to transport him. Ground SAR teams were also tasked with the job of moving the 350lb. wheelchair from the boat, approximately 75 yards through the sand to where the vehicle were parked. All of the subjects and dogs were then placed in SAR vehicles and ambulance, and transported to their camp at Pelican beach. The disabled boat was retrieved by SVU boat crews the next day.

Disabled Boat Callout – 8/29/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR began responding to the report of a disabled boat approximately a mile from shore near Pelican Bay. SVU members were already at the lake for the Labor Day weekend, and began responding. Shortly after the initial report, the subject contacted authorities to tell them that he had got the boat started again. Although SAR response was cancelled, M50 continued to the location to make sure the subject did not have any further trouble.

Recent Water Callout – 8/22/2014

SAR Staff and SVU were requested to assist WCSO detectives that were investigating the circumstances surrounding a body that was located in the water approximately 100 yards west of the boat launch. Due to very rough water at the Ski Beach boat ramp, and low water levels at the Sand Harbor boat ramp, M20 was not able to launch. The body had been brought to shore prior to the arrival of M20, but investigators needed to take a look at an anchored boat that was associated with the deceased subject. Park Ranger PWC’s were brought in to transport a deputy to the boat.

Recent Water Rescue 8/17/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR were requested to assist Pyramid Lake Tribal in locating and rescuing six people on a boat that had had an engine fire and was taking on water. Before SAR assets arrived at the lake, Pyramid Lake Rangers were able to locate the boat and tow it to Pelican Dock.