Yearly Archives: 2014

Recent Search – 10/20/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR began responding to the dirt extension of Chimney Drive in Sun Valley to search for a missing subject. RAVEN located the subject as teams were arriving at staging. Further response was cancelled.

Disabled Boat – 10/6/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR responded to Pyramid Lake on the report of a disabled boat in the Hells Kitchen area with a subject on board having medical issues. As teams were arriving at the Pelican Point staging area, PLSAR located the boat and initiated a tow. SAR assets continued to staging and remained on scene until the PLSAR boat and disabled boat made it back to Pelican Dock.

Missing Cross County Runner – 10/6/2014

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, RAVEN, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the Thomas Creek Trailhead off of the Mt. Rose Highway to search for an overdue cross country runner from a local school that had been running with other members of her team. A search team that was deployed up the road to the Whites Creek trailhead encountered the subject coming down the road. She was transported to staging and was checked by medical personnel.

EMS Callout – 10/5/2014

Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR responded to the Michael Thompson Trailhead to assist Truckee Meadow Fire in transporting a subject that was having medical issues down the Hunter Creek Trail. As SAR teams were arriving, the subject was being walked to the trailhead. No further response was necessary.