News and Announcements

6/27/23 – EMS Hunter Creek Trail

SAR Staff, Hasty BC, and WCSAR BC responded to the trailhead of the Hunter Creek Trail to locate and transport a hiker that had injured their ankle. Due to the location and degree of injury, it was decided to have a hoist performed by RAVEN. The subject was packaged, hoisted, and taken to a waiting ambulance near the staging area.

6/25/23 – Lost Hikers, Mt. Rose

SAR Staff, Hasty BC, and WCSAR BC responded to the Mt. Rose Summit parking area to locate two subjects that had lost the trail in the area of the Galena Creek Falls. BC teams located the subjects, but due to snow conditions, a route toward Tamarack Lake was taken. Subjects and team members were picked up on the highway and brought to staging.

6/18/23 Goose Lake Missing Subject OP2

SAR Staff, Hasty Team, SVU, and WCSAR were requested for a mutual aid assist for Sierra County dealing with a missing subject. The subject was last seen Friday night, 6/16/23, at a campground in the area. Washoe teams checked the various small lakes in the area, using divers, swimmers, and shore support. Negative results.

6/5/23 – Mt. Rose Lost Hiker

SAR Staff, Hasty BC, and WCSAR BC responded to an area on the Mt. Rose Highway above the Mt. Rose Ski Resort to locate a hiker that had become lost after his summiting of Mt. Rose. Ground teams located the subject and guided him out to the highway where everyone was picked up and transported to staging.

6/2/23 – Long Valley Rd. Rollover

SAR Staff, Hasty, SVU, and WCSAR began responding to a SxS rollover somewhere in the Dog Valley area. Good coordinates were not available, but the location eventually placed the scene near the main road about four miles from Bordertown. Care Flight and TMFR were first on scene. SAR response was cancelled.